Mindful U at Naropa University

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

106 episodes of Mindful U at Naropa University since the first episode, which aired on October 4th, 2017.

  • 10. Jeffery Pethybridge: Writing, Literature, and Contemplative Approach

    January 16th, 2018  |  29 mins 52 secs

    There's a real diversity of tactics about how to integrate contemplative practices into the study of writing and the study of literature and the creation of those ways of being. This is about what it means to approach writing through a contemplative way. One of the great joys about teaching here at Naropa is the openness of students to experiment. The real readiness at which they're willing to implicate their person and their body and their spirit. That approach to the whole person in the classroom is really such a gift to work with as a - as a teacher and a peer and a colleague and a fellow and a researcher.

  • 09. Richard Brown: Contemplative Teaching

    January 2nd, 2018  |  31 mins 12 secs
    compassion, contemplative education, mindful students, mindful teaching, teaching

    At Naropa, the notion of contemplative education is one of drawing out the full richness of the student. In this episode of "Mindful U," Professor Richard C. Brown, core faculty in the Contemplative Education grogram, discusses what "contemplative teaching" is, and gives an example of techniques that work well for integrating it into ordinary classroom situations.

  • 08. Stephen Polk: A City By and For the People

    December 19th, 2017  |  25 mins 11 secs
    city planning, permaculture, safety net, systems theory

    How might the city look differently if you were given more power to shape the contours of the cityscape, or to shape the available institutional fabric? How could our systems be organized differently politically? How could our systems be organized differently economically? What might a different economic system look like? And how could that economic system provide more material security, freedom, and more?

  • 07. Travis Cox: Sustainability is Ecopsychology is Sustainability

    December 5th, 2017  |  28 mins 48 secs
    ecopsychology, environmentalism, green living, sustainability

    Ecopsychology is a field whose goal is to bridge our cultures' long standing historical gulf between the psychological and the ecological to see the needs of the planet and the person as a continuum. Transpersonal ecopsychology is the evolving exploration expression and embodied practice of the inter-dependence of humans in the more than human world, which tends towards to the health balance and optimal well being of all. A change in our internal landscapes might change our relationships with the land in a way that includes extending social ethics to the land and an examination of our loyalties, affections, and convictions.

  • 06. Phillip Stanley: The Relationships Between Sense Perceptions, Concepts, and Emotions.

    November 21st, 2017  |  29 mins 11 secs
    epistemology, experience, perception, philosophy, senses

    Dr. Phillip Stanley, PhD, speaks about one of his favorite class topics: the relationship between sense perceptions, concepts and emotions. Such an exploration leads to surprising insights that leave students often dumbfounded. We think we know what sense perceptions are–concepts, and so forth–but if you start looking into it it can be quite surprising.

  • 05. Brigitte Mars: Herbal Health and Healing

    November 7th, 2017  |  27 mins 25 secs
    addiction, edible, herbal, herbs, medicinal

    Naropa University professor Brigitte Mars leads students and the overall community in understanding the value of herbs and plants to the body, the mind, and more. Today's episode focuses on Brigitte's work with Naropa students.

  • 04. Scott Rodwin: Green Building 101

    October 24th, 2017  |  32 mins 23 secs
    environmental science, environmental studies, green architecture, green building, sustainability

    Scott Rodwin, Naropa University faculty teaching Building Design in the Environmental Department, will be talking about Green Building 101.

  • 03. Jeanine Canty: Environmental Justice

    October 17th, 2017  |  30 mins 21 secs
    colonization, ecopsychology, environment, oppression

    ‘Oppressions of People and Oppressions of the Earth Go Hand and Hand’. Naropa Professor Jeanine Canty explains the link between social and ecological injustice and how throughout human history, the oppression of people of color has been inseparable from the oppression of the natural world.

  • 02. Judith Simmer-Brown: The Science and Practice of Compassion

    October 11th, 2017  |  25 mins 58 secs
    buddhism, compassion, contemplative science, judith simmer-brown

    Looking at the ‘new’ science of compassion allows us to focus on what is right about human beings and understand how to cultivate kindness through exercises like compassion training. Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown also gives an example of a compassion training practice and shares a brief history of the mindfulness/compassion movement in the West.

  • 01. Naropa President Chuck Lief: Welcome & Social Innovation

    October 4th, 2017  |  33 mins 6 secs
    naropa university, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, social justice

    Lief discusses his various roles at Naropa since its founding, and explains what makes Naropa University unique. He then gives an overview of the course he teaches at Naropa as a part of the Peace Studies undergraduate program, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.